Monday, July 27, 2009

Problem of hair loss?

iam losing a lot of hair and i dont have any health issues..iam a 24 year old female..i take a lot of nutritious food but no use..please suggest some solution.

Problem of hair loss?

use rogaine :D i think it works im only 16 so im not losing my hair any time soon :) but seriuosly i hear it works

Problem of hair loss?

I suggest you got o a dermatologist first and see if there is something wrong internally. Also make sure that your hair loss is not due to stress or overprocessing due to chemicals. I do not suggest using rogaine though because once you use it you have to keep using it otherwise all of the hair that you grew while using the rogaine will fall back out

Problem of hair loss?

better visit the dermatologist for a scientific answer because hair loss can be caused from different reasons

Problem of hair loss?

You need the same as me ,a cream that shrinks your head to make what you have fit.

Problem of hair loss?

Have you been under a lot stress? Are you taking birth control pills? Stress will cause hair loss and so will BC pills. If you are taking birth control pills you may need to switch brands. Kat

Problem of hair loss?

Alopecia is the scientific name for hair loss. Hair loss in women can be transient (synonyms = temporary/telogen effluvium/non-genetic) or permanent (genetic/androgenetic alopecia).

Alopecia, or hair loss, can occur in any body area but is particularly noticeable when it affects the scalp. Alopecia is not always associated with ill health, but it may cause embarrassment. Alopecia in women may be attributed to three factors: aging, hormones, and genetics.

Patchy hair loss is usually due to alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease, which causes that cause bald patches to appear on the scalp. Areata is Latin for "round" or "circumscribed", which means that people suddenly see bald spots here or there, or little, tiny short hairs that are broken off.

In alopecia areata, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system (white blood cells), resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage. Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss (alopecia universalis).

If the hair loss has any unusual features-suddenly a lot of hair is coming out, if hair is coming out in a bizarre or unusual pattern, even if it's very severe, premature general thinning of the scalp, see a dermatologist.

At age 24, if there's no history of this in your family, I would tend to think it is a hormonal thing. Have you recently given birth, changed birth control methods or are you pregnant? Estrogen therapy can also cause hair loss.

Problem of hair loss?

Are you sure that you don't have health problems?? I've never heard of female-pattern baldness... maybe you should get checked for cancer or leukemia....

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