Monday, July 27, 2009

He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?


He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?

Are we talking about a pet here? If so, take him to the Vet right away. It could be his thyroid. There is medicine for it. It could also be some kind of mange. Some of these are very dangerous for a pet if not tended soon. Vet! Now!

He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?

Your boyfriend has a tail?

He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?

i can't believe you left a question without any info!

He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?

If this man is going bald, buy a set of clippers and keep it nice and short. There's nothing worse than a comb over on any age of man. I know, my hair has been thin for year's.(women think it's sexy!

He is losing hair on his tail,backside and a little on his head?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also.

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