Sunday, July 26, 2009

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

I pet him and his hair comes off

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

Get blood work. But if it is not physically noticeable he may be shedding. I think rottis have to big shed times in a year.

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

he may have mange if he's not shedding.

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

Thryoid problem. I have seen it in both Labs and Dobies, so a Rottie probably is not much different.

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

it could be his diet and lack of nutrition or he just might be doing his normal twice a year shedding process if it does not stop in a couple weeks contact your vet to make sure he has no parasites

My rottweilr mix is losing all his black hair?

rotties can shed alot like shepards and labs, tiss the season, they tend to lose a lot of hair, if he starts having bald spots and itching alot i would have him checked out, they usually will do a skin scraping to check for mange or demodex mites.

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