Sunday, July 26, 2009

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

No!!! Receding hairline is normal... I agree it shows maturity. If you are uncomfortable with it, try shaving your head (depending on how much you have lost). Also, consider the shape of your head.. if it is not round enough, it may look kinda weird!

My brother is 25 and already lost a lot of hair on the top of his head.. he shaved it off! It took a little to get used to but now i think it looks nice. He's a big guy - he kind of looks like a body guard! :)

Don't use rogaine..i heard its really really bad for you. There is a warning on the box that says "don't use near pregnant women". i think there is a lot of lead in it.

PS- Please PLEASE dont ever do a combover...It looks more goofy and it is obvious that you are balding when you do that. Good luck!

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

There are some very sexy balding men out there, just look at Sean Connery! Report It

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

I've seen some sexy bald guys... Vin Diesel. MMMMMMEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW... !!! I rest my case. :) Report It

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

well iam 13 but if i was older i would say yes yes yes yes yes 100 times yes

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

It happens to all men, so its something you have to get use to, unless he joins the hair club for men. I don't know anyone who has done that, but the commercials look good. I wonder how much that costs and how permanent the results are??

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

Not at all! Bald men are sexy as hell.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

I think bald and shiny is so hot! So no, I don't mind if a guy has lost hair, even a receding hair line is a sign of maturity!

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

No, my boyfriend is balding and it doesn't bother me one bit. I love him no matter how hairy or not hairy he is :)

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

Not at all, so long as they DON'T do that comb over thing. There are lots of sexy bald guys.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

no i don't mind if they have lost hair. you shouldn't any way.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

Well I think certain men can do the shaven/buzz hair very well. However I never used to be a fan of actually losin hair, balding and receeding hair lines. Then I got with my current bf, and he had a terrible receeding hair line..but he just shaves his head to practically nothing anyways. I used to not like it when we first got together, but I must say it's grown on me! He does wear a hat most of the time too...I think some guys just look hot with a hat on.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

no not at all. I've been married for 12 years and although it hasnt happened yet it problably will. will i stop loving him because of it? No way! I hope he says the same thing if i gain 10 lbs later on.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

Personally, I LOVE men who are hairy but for somer eason my boy starts loosing it it's a'ightz with me. It's part of life and I wouldn't mind. It's like asking For guys/ you mind if the women starts sagging?

Get me?

It's life we just have toa accept it. =0)

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

HE*L NO!!! the combover is lame and a toupee is lamer but bald can be very sexy on guys.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

no way ! as it prefer stylish look

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

A disturbing look, in my opinion, is where guys, bald on top, grow the hair quite long at the sides and then 'scoop' it over the bald head, with a real low parting just over the ear usually....that's a real bad image. Loosing hair is a part of maturing, accept it, women don't mind it at all. Just don't do that 'Bobby Charlton' thing with it..

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

Not if it is only'some hair'. not' whole hair'. Personally, i like men with thick , dark , lushy hair.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

No, if I loved a guy and he lost some or all of his hair I wouldn't care at all.

For you mind if a guy has lost some hair?

it depends on how much ...if u lost enough where it looks like u got a huge forehead ,i wood mind ,but if its just a little ,i wouldn't mind

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