No rewards...except alcohol..
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
You change the things in your life that are making you feel that way. Find what makes you happy and concentrate on that and reduce the things that make you feel like you are losing your mind. Alcohol helps but not for long and after the buzz is gone things seem worse. (but it tastes sooooo good)
I worked on films for a few years and the money was great but the life you live to make it sucked so I made a big decision to just quit, go back to school and changed my life by going from the 'cool life' to being a very happy engineer. I made about 1/4 of what I made in the motion pic biz but I became far happier.
Find some new friends or interest that make you feel like life is wonderful. I know it's easy to say and not that easy to do, but you are the only one that can really know what makes you happy.
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
If something is important to you - you WILL make the time - sit back and figure your priorities - take a different job if you can - I used to be in HIGH stress management yes money was great but working 80 hours a weeks was not, I made the decision to get out of that field and get a different job - less pay but my quality of life has gone up.
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
If I'm reading this right ... you need a new profession .
No rewards except alcohol? You need a change , alcohol will slowly kill you (that's a fact) !!
Look around , life really can be what you make it . If you need change , look for it .. find it ... pull yourself up .
Or you can feel sorry for yourself and be miserable forever!
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
Don't quite but all you have to do is go to work and just NOT WORK. If they don't like it just let them fire you. What do you have to loose. All you have to do is find another job. I just recently quite my job not because they worked me to death but because Everyone was a bunch of ***-holes. So I just stopped working as hard as I really could and when they started complaining. I joined the navy. Because I want to see the world.
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
It's tough when work is the only thing keeping you alive. If you loose your job you loose your apartment, no food no benefits no having fun no progress. You need to make a courageous change it is possible to work yourself to death. Cut your expenses find a single room to rent there are very nice large ones all utilities included pay less rent no need for storage all your things may fit or sell things. Fill your house with all the recreational things you love and stay home more cut expenses watch new movie releases free online. Watch new music on you tube instead of spending on cds etc... Simplify your life so money lasts longer. Then get a part time job that cuts out all things you hate and has only what you can tolerate
do temp work increase your skills online and get paid more for working less hours. Then ur free to rest and persue other interests.Take ur time work it out, life can be sweeter still.
Enter your question in web search and keep reading about other peoples solutions to help.GoodLuck!!!
WHat do you do when you're life becomes work, work, lose mind, lose, work..?
you gotta focus on the weekend or why it is you are working so hard, think long term goals
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