Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

1. Nothing

2. Try to hide it.

3. Shave the remainder off.

4. Other.

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Its gone already! I didn't do it, he has some at the the sides still, I want him to grow the remaining into a crusty the clown style.

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?


Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

same thing he has already done... shave off the remainder...

Bald can be hot ;-)

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Nothing. But my husband is one hairy son of b*tch, so I doubt that will ever happen (thankfully).

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

train a cat

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

shave his head duh

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Shave the remainder off. I actually like bald men.

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

4) Whatever he wants to do with it.

It's his hair, not mine. I'm more than sure I wouldn't want him dictating what I should do with my hair when it turns gray.

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

2 if possible or shave i guess and it may seem wierd but what about a wig

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

shave it all off, most guys do not have the money for expensive surgery to restore hair

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Hahahahahha... All those poor suckers! I got my dad's hair and he still got a full mop on top at 66.

As one comedian once said "People see a black guy with a shaved head and think it's cool, people see a white guy with a shaved head they think it's cancer"

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Hmm it depends on where loses it. If he has a receeding hairline that doesn't receed to the middle of his scalp and the rest is intact - he can keep it.

However, If he's bald at the crown, shave it off...leaving it may result in the dreaded urge to create a "combover."

This question made me lol...

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Nothing. So far he's not losing it, but he's 34, so it's bound to happen sometime soon. I'm not worried about it, though. I'll love him even if he's bald, just as long as he doesn't try the combover thing like his dad!

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Hey, just because the roof is starting to lose its shingles, doesn't mean the fire doesn't burn in the fire place.

Hope that makes as much sense in type as it did in my head!

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

I won't EVER have that problem!! His hair is SO thick!! He has his Dad's hair %26amp; his Dad even lost his hair from chemo treatments %26amp; it all grew back just as thick as it was before losing it!

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

I would ask that he keep his head warm... I don't want anyone getting sick on me...

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Nothing ... Love, honey

Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?


Ladies: If your guy started to lose his hair, what would you WANT him to do?

Well Kumara you didn't actually say where he would be loosing it. That would all

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