Sunday, July 26, 2009

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

Im losing way to much hair but gr it works so great, it smells good / first shampoo /condi that actually made my hair smooth. Idk what shampoo/condi company to pick now, please help me, thanks.

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

i've started on the vo5 range and it works really well and smells great...

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

herbal essences doesnt make your hair fall out! i use it everyday! i heard the samething about panteen.....although i did you sunsilk this weekend and it done really good on my hair. maybe you should give that a shot

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

overconditioning does that, use every other time you shampoo

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

herbal essences doesnt make hair fall out! But as a substitute, i suggest not using sunsilk. its really cheap. maybe garnier?

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

i would stay with the one u r useing now........r u sure its the shampoo and conditionar???

Herbal essences makes your hair fall out but it makes my hair so soft, what company sould I use now?

Garnier Fructice (green bottles) sleek and shine if you have curly hair works wonderfully...

And the sleek and shien "sheer" for strait of thin hair works marvelous as well...

My hair is ALWAYS sofy, shiny and strong :)

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