Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What should I do with their hair?

My daughters are 20 months and 6 months. They are bi-racial as my husband is Nigerian. They were both born with full heads of hair. The oldest, her hair is a big ball of knots on her head. The youngest has curlier hair but is losing some. My husband sais that in his country, they cut their hair real low to get rid of the baby hair and the real hair can come in. I don't know if I should let him do it. He wants to do it to both the girls. Since he says it's customary in his country I think he should because I want to respect his customs as well. What i want to know is if anyone thinks it will damage their hair or if it's bad......I just want some input and thoughts.

What should I do with their hair?

yes, you should go ahead and do it for them because it shows you respect your husbands ideas and your daughters' hair will look better in a while...when they get a lilttle older they will have no more baby hairs and that is very lucky! :) Good Luck


What should I do with their hair?


What should I do with their hair?

give it a cut

What should I do with their hair?

You should leave babies hair long so it is trianed to grow in the same way. If you cut it and keep cutting it will grow in a bunch of different directions. Leave your babies' hair. Maybe get some cute braids.

What should I do with their hair?

If it's tradition, then cut away....it will grow back.

What should I do with their hair?

Cut it off, especially with summer coming, it will make everyone happy.

After it starts to come in, find a salon that can help you with idea's and hair care tips for them.

What should I do with their hair?

hair is kinda like teeth the baby ones will drop off and new ones will grow, well, hair will just grow out. nothing will happen if you cut it,but i think u should leave it, at the end you both have to share customs, comb their heads separate it with bubbles and woggies

What should I do with their hair?

you should just get a very mild de-tangler, like johnsons baby hair detangler (at wal mart or a drugstore somewhere) and comb the babies hair out and show your husband it can be better than what it is and that he doesn't have to cut it all off. If he still wants to chop it all off then hey it's just hair and it'll grow back eventually. but try combing it first!!!!!!!!

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