Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If John "Breck Girl" Edwards began to lose his hair would you still vote for her?

You wish Giuliani, McCain, Thompson or Limbaugh had hair that good. Romney does, though. Of course, it's not what's ON his head that matters, but what ISN'T IN his head.

Why are you obsessing about Edwards, anyway? It's Hillary and her ever-changing hairstyle you've gotta worry about. Soak the rich! Pay off the Dubya Deficit! Take the troops out of Iraq and send them to kill bin Laden like Bush promised! Cut off the lobbyists and save the environment!

Edwards... Really. The guy couldn't outdebate Dick Cheney, how's he gonna outdebate Hillary, Obama, Richardson and the rest?

If John "Breck Girl" Edwards began to lose his hair would you still vote for her?

Dumb ditto heads can't think for themselves.. need to post stupid insults regurgitated from the loser himself.. Rush.

How does it feel to be so stupid you cant think for yourself?

If John "Breck Girl" Edwards began to lose his hair would you still vote for her?

No way. I love the way her hair shines. She's so pretty.

If John "Breck Girl" Edwards began to lose his hair would you still vote for her?

Watch it, or her wife will call you on national TV and ask you to stop picking on her. How sad that Mrs. Edwards had to defend "Mr." Edwards "manhood"....

If John "Breck Girl" Edwards began to lose his hair would you still vote for her?

I don't think I would vote for her if she loses her hair. I think that is where her brain is.

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